Doppio Zero’s top plant-based protein recommendations

“Where do you get your protein from?”
If you just let out a little scream after reading that, chances are you’re a follower of plant-based living.
It’s a common myth that you need to eat meat to get adequate protein – and a silly one if you consider that some of the world’s best athletes follow plant-based diets.
The truth is that there are a ton of tasty ways to get your daily fill of protein – with zero animals being harmed in the process! And, since we at Doppio Zero family style restaurant are in the business of tasty food, we decided to share some of our top recommendations with you.
Grow plants, grow muscles
Okay, before anyone gets too excited, you actually have to do some exercise to grow muscles!
But, eating a diet rich in protein will help. In very basic terms (we’re chefs, not scientists!), the more protein your body stores, the bigger your biceps can be – except we’re constantly depleting our stash through everyday living. So, the trick is to eat a little bit more to supplement all the gymming you’re no doubt already doing (and if not – you need protein anyway!)
Luckily, there are tons of great options for non-meat eaters. From eggs, cheese and yoghurt for vegetarians to spinach, mushrooms, and beans for vegan soul food. The variety is endlessly delicious.
Okay, now let’s get to the good part: the food!
Veg out at Doppio Zero
If you’re sweating from a lifting sesh, pop into Doppio Zero for a tasty mushroom-filled Spaghetti Vegano or bean-rich Mexican vegan bowl. In fact, why not come taste some of our delightful plant-based food regardless of whether you make it to the gym!
If you’re at all familiar with us, you’ll know our famous chickpea-based Nomad Wrap. The only thing that would make local plant-lovers scream more than the protein question is if we had to take it off the menu!
Although we like to keep the veggies the star of the show, we also stock Beyond Meat and vegan cheese – perfect for those bodybuilders who are veg-curious.
And don’t dismiss the trend of replacing cow’s milk with macadamia, almond, soy, or oat milk in your morning flat white – these are super tasty as well as good vegan protein options.
So, next time someone asks, “Where is the best vegan food near me?”, or where you get your protein from, you know what to say: “From Doppio Zero, of course!”